19 Questions’ also brings value to executives, teams and groups, including trust-building and greater cohesion:
• Corporate, Government, and NGO Team-building
• Human Resources and Corporate Development
• Youth Entrepreneurship
• Economic Growth
• Community Building and Cohesion
• Maximization of Creative Potential
“In a volatile world where the future is increasingly uncertain, trust is the most important commodity. And trust among team members even more so. David’s 19 questions provide the most powerful accelerated path to individual self-awareness and group trust building that I’ve ever seen.”
Salim Ismail (Miami)
Founder OpenExO and ExO Works; Author of “Exponential Organizations”; Board Member at X Prize; Founding Executive Director Singularity University; Former Head of Innovation at Yahoo.com
Discovering one’s life purpose is arguably the most powerful accelerant for optimal performance. Pursuing one’s purpose is a biologically powerful source of focus – and biochemical energy. Reconciling purpose with entrepreneurial or intrepreneurial spirit, inspired ideas, business and corporate development wisdom is a logical path to measurable economic development – particularly if such a psychological acceleration can be scaled across a population.

Consider the above in the context of today’s seemingly triple pandemic of COVID, greater humanity’s growing lack of mental wellness, and the unstoppable “down-sizing” of all our global economies – much related to the continued loss of millions of jobs to automation, consolidation and most recently, our pandemic.
What humanity – and our individual countries, corporations, startups, teams and communities – need is a positive path, tools and thoughtful campaigns targeting ‘retooling’, ‘connecting’, and particularly, the ‘turning on’ our global workforce in the direction of inspiration and dedication to solving our greatest challenges. Leadership must inspire our human capital not only to their most optimized path to quality of life and fulfillment, but also to each human’s optimal and logical contributions to our individual corporations, communities and countries, and our greater humanity.

19 Questions creator David C Traub, a Harvard Ed.M. mental wellness-centric ‘scalable psychologist’, has shared the 19 Questions with numerous leaders across the decades, including teams of international CEOs, and offers to deploy, face-to-face or electronically, the 19 Questions in support of helping to sustainably ‘power up’ selected startups, corporate teams, communities, sovereign youth campaigns, indigenous resilience campaigns, school and prison systems, and other groups of entrepreneurs, corporate ‘intrapreneurs’, leaders, global communicators and challenged populations that would benefit from a new perspective and appreciation of the gift of their lives.
Additionally, process synergies integrating the 19 Questions with startup/business/ youth leadership acceleration coaching and technologies are also being explored for potential sovereign clients, as are ongoing coaching processes intended to help optimize the chances for the benefits derived of the 19 Questions process to be optimally integrated into a candidate’s life, workplace, community and beyond.
The inspiration and bonding that is derived from this sharing within a group process is powerful and can last for months – or longer.
Note: Maximum 10 people/group per day-long session. Each person adds approximately 1:15 hour to required time for the group process.

David offers a free 15 min. consultation call… Click here to reach out
Your life is ready for a transformation;
your work and dreams will only get better…
19Questions, Copyright, 1999-2023, All Rights Reserved.
19Q is not offered as either a personality assessment tool or psychotherapy or psychological counseling, but rather, is a new way of looking at yourself, and revealing the story in your life. Based on the sensitive nature of your answers, our process is highly confidential.